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Tax Talk
September 27, 2003

September 27, 2003


Your weekly update on what others are thinking, doing, and planning 

Send your comments or questions to me, and
I will include in next week's publication. 

A message from FCTO President Susan Kniep

We have a lot to brag about!  

If a contest were to be held, I am convinced we could win the prize for the best website in Connecticut!  Kudos to Steve Moore of Glastonbury.  He is a genius.  He is solely responsible for the website construction and design.    As we contemplate a phrase for our bumper stickers to direct the public to our website - Steve has also offered some great innovative ideas ....  "Take a bite out of taxes"   or "Are taxes getting you down?"  or  "Being sqeezed by the taxman? Please email your selection or offer one of your own.  We also thought a graphic design to highlight the phrase might be in order.   Let me know your thoughts as we want to get the bumper stickers completed and out to you as soon as possible.  AGAIN, STEVE, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!

September 20 FCTO Breakfast Meeting
A special thank you to Past President Fred Standt.  Fred worked hard to bring about a successful Breakfast Meeting.   Larry Cohen, columnist for the Hartford Courant captivated our interest with his insight into the world of Connecticut politics.  It was great to network with everyone and to learn what you are doing in your own town's to combat the tax monster.  For those who participated in the meeting, I request that you send me your comments and I will include them in our next TAX TALK.

Binding Arbitration Letter and Resolution
Following the meeting, we assembled and mailed to every municipal CEO our letter asking that they support our Resolution intended to open the Debate in the State Legislature on Binding Arbitration.   We also asked that they provide us with the percentage of personnel costs to their town budgets and the cost of healthcare paid by the taxpayers vs the employees.  In total 183 letters were sent.  We will ultimately be posting the results on our website. 

FCTO Brochures and Name Cards
We have our new brochures and name cards.  We want to distribute them throughout the State.  Please contact me and I will forward some to you for you to place in your local library, etc.   
Tom Durso,
Oakville Taxpayers Association
Subject:  Hold on to your wallet.  Here comes another unfunded mandate. 
Date:  September 13, 2003

I am absolutely opposed to any additions to the government education monopoly. If they want pre-school programs, let's have vouchers so parents can choose a program for their child from  competing providers the same way parents and students choose colleges with Pell money or student loans.  Providers will sprout up as soon as  parent-consumers are liberated from the Establishment's  grips.   Tom Durso
Marvin Edelman, 

Willimantic/Windham Taxpayers Association
202 Scotland Road, Windham Center 06280, Fax:  (860) 456-7455

Question:  Re Voting by Non Residents 
Date:  September 25, 2003

Dear Susan: I would deeply appreciate this appeal going out immediately to FCTO members. Would the towns that have statements permitting non-resident taxpayers to vote at town meetings, annual budgets and/or referendums dealing with bonding/tax/financial issues email or fax the statements to me as soon as possible.
